
senior adult ministry

Our senior adult ministry (S.A.M) here at LFBC gives us a chance to partner with adults who are  50+ to enjoy a time of fellowship, getting in God's word together, and sharpening our skills, wisdom, and spiritual gifts so that we can continue to serve our Lord. 

Scroll down to see opportunities for monthly fellowships, game days, special events/entertainment, monthly trips, and ministry outreach.

meeting SCHEDULE

Join us on the fourth Thursdays of each month @ 11:00 AM in the FLC for a meal and fellowship.


January 23rd - Potluck Lunch

Entertainment - Chuck Crain

February 27th - Sandwiches and Finger Foods

Entertainment - Surprise Guest

March 20th - Taste from Around the World

Entertainment - Special Guest Singer

April 24th - Baked Potato Bar

Entertainment - Special Guest Singer

May 22nd - Hamburger and French Fries Lunch

Entertainment - Bingo


    • dr. tracey bartley

      Associate Pastor & Education Minister

      Tracey wears multiple hats at LFBC. He is married to his wife, Kay. He has two daughters. He has a passion for diving into God's word and for helping direct our children and adult Sunday School programs. As our in-house all-star VBS actor, he can be found helping lead VBS during the summers. 

      Envelope EMAIL TRACEY